Posts tagged ‘dirt slides’

Creek Beds, Dirt Slides, and Four Little Boys

This is the last week of school.

IMG_5167It’s a busy week.  Our last youth group of the school year is tonight… and you have to finish strong.  I’m putting together the senior slideshow for graduation… and its gonna look extra sharp.  There are school board meetings and community functions happening this week that I need to be a part of.  All of that’s fine, but it is not the most important thing right now.

We have some very special friends visiting right now, and we took the morning and went to IMG_5187 play in the creek near my grandparents’ home.  This is the creek that I spent countless summer days in with my sisters and cousins.  Today was the day to introduce my boys and our buddies to the creek.

The creek cuts through a hill made mostly of shale.  As the creek winds through the shale, the  water warms up and is just the right temperature for playing in.  There aren’t any deep spots, so it’s pretty safe.  The shale hillside make for a great climbing up and sliding down.

IMG_5173Our two little buddies from Denver had a blast once they figured out it was okay (even encouraged by Uncle Brad) to get muddy and messy.  We all built a dam, which made a perfect sitting pool for Brock.  We had a wonderful picnic of PB&J sandwiches, baby carrots and apple slices.  It was perfect.

There will always be things to get done.  There will always be battles to fight, jobs to do, sermons to write, lessons to plan….  There won’t always be 4 little boys and memories to be made at the creek.  The day had to be seized, and it was.

Hopefully as we look back at this week as a family years from now, this day is what we’ll remember.

What do you want to remember about your day today?  Go out and make that memory.

May 20, 2008 at 2:54 pm 1 comment

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