Ker-SPLOOSH Therapy

December 4, 2012 at 10:14 pm Leave a comment



“YEAH!”  “Awesome!”  “Do it again!”

ohhh  yeahhhh

That’s the sound a 30-pound rock makes when it lands in a small pool of water, followed by the even louder sound of cheers from 5 little kids amazed that a rock that big could be tossed UP into the air, then the inaudible mental exhale of the rock-tosser.

No, I wasn’t the rock tosser this time.  I got to watch and just enjoy the scene.  That unlucky rock (actually there were about 5 very unlucky very heavy rocks) was tossed by a friend of mine that still works for the company I left seven years ago before moving here to Branson.  The company is a good one, but office life is, and will always be, somewhat tame.  Yes, there are challenges, deadlines, pressures, and rewards that keep you mentally sharp, but little by little, the pressures and demands and political games of the office life add invisible weights to your shoulders, slowly dragging them down… until you find yourself walking stooped over.

That’s why everyone needs some Ker-sploosh therapy.

brody-ker-splooshWe need to grab something way heavier than we should be lifting, raise it to our shoulders, and toss it into a canyon pool (or over a cliff, or down a hill).  It needs to make a large sound.  A sound that something big just landed, or broke something, or smashed through some bushes.  And that sound needs to invoke the cheers of children, children that are amazed that such a feat could be done.

God made us in His image.  He does mighty things, and He created us to do mighty things too.  Things that inspire others.  Things that make kids cheer.

I desperately needed ker-sploosh therapy seven years ago surrounded by gray cubicle walls, and I still need it on a regular basis now surrounded by mesas and canyons.  Sometimes it takes a little planning and lots of non-productive time, but its always worth it.

So go find a really big rock, several young kids, a large puddle, and go make a huge ker-SPLOOSH!

You’ll be glad you did.

Here’s one more pic of my ker-sploosh cheering team:


Entry filed under: Adventure, Boys and Dogs, Jesus Following. Tags: , , .

Prepping for Christmas… again. The Sandy Hook Spark

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